Thursday, June 28, 2012


Peggy works on the pictures for the blog while I read a book about prostitutes of the old west.

We drive out to Bach'Lers Stable for a 2 hour trail ride.  Our horses are Bandit and Bluebell.  Our wrangler is Will who talks so slow you almost fall over before he's finished.  We start a steep climb and before long I drop the reins and hold onto the saddle horn with both hands.  This horse knows where to go, I don't need to guide him.  Bluebell wants to go back to the barn but Peggy's will is stronger.  The trail leads to the top of Gold Mountain (9,300 feet) and we climb 1,200 feet to get there.  Going down is hard on the man parts.
We put on our raincoats twice to make it stop raining.  Peggy tries a rodeo move which causes Bluebell to rear up.  Back at the stable we give the horses apples and head back to town.  We have supper at the Ouray Brewery where we sit on the roof and watch the whole town go by.
View from Gold Mountain

Mitch riding Bandit

Another view from Gold Mountain

Will, our wrangler and Mitch

Peggy and Bluebell

Mitch and Bandit

Peggy and Fence Poste

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